Analytical Report: Key Takeaways from the 15th BRICS Summit 2023

Analytical Report: Key Takeaways from the 15th BRICS Summit 2023 Aug 23, 2023 Executive Summary The 15th BRICS Summit, held in Sandton, South Africa, featured a series of landmark discussions and revelations that point towards shifting geopolitical dynamics, economic aspirations, and ambitions for global influence among BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia,...
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Coup in Niger

Intelligence Report: Coup in Niger 18 Aug 2023 Coup Details: The Nigerien military has staged a coup d'état, resulting in the detention of President Mohamed Bazoum. The individual leading this coup, a Nigerien general, has subsequently declared himself the new president of Niger. Reaction in West Africa: The broader West...
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Cyber Threat Landscape Overview Aug 11 2023

Intelligence Analysis Report on Cybersecurity Threat Landscape 11 Aug 2023 Summary: The current global cybersecurity landscape reveals an increasing number of sophisticated cyberattacks and data breaches. These attacks have targeted educational institutions, financial organizations, healthcare providers, electoral commissions, and governmental bodies. There is an urgent need to prioritize cybersecurity measures...
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The Rising Role of Rare Elements: China’s Stance and the World’s Response

The Rising Role of Rare Elements: China's Stance and the World's Response The current global environment is marked by significant shifts, both technological and geopolitical. Amidst these shifts, a certain segment of metals, specifically rare and precious ones like Gallium, Germanium, and Terahertz integrated photonic devices, have suddenly found themselves...
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Cryptocurrency Under the Microscope: An Analyst’s Dive into Digital Assets

Cryptocurrency Under the Microscope: An Analyst's Dive into Digital Assets The tides of financial markets have always been intriguing, but none as much as the undercurrents of the cryptocurrency realm. The intersection of technology, economics, and human behavior in this sector offers a goldmine of insights. Today, we'll guide you...
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Latest Startups Investment Analysis Report

Latest Startups Investment Analysis Report Introduction This report presents an analysis of recent investment and funding activities across various sectors, mainly focusing on technology, healthcare, finance, and startup ecosystems around the world. A surge in investment activities indicates a robust environment for technological innovation and growth. Here is a comprehensive...
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Harnessing Alternative Data for Competitive Advantage

Harnessing Alternative Data for Competitive Advantage by Anil K. Gupta, Jon Norberg, Evan Schnidman, and Kai Wu We were accited to see our data  sited in the article "A data tsunami is headed our way, with new types of data emerging at a staggering pace.1 Even simple devices such as EZPass...
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Startups fundraising in May 2022

Startups fundraising in May 2022 Right now, startups are facing a contraction in valuation — not revenue, which was the case in the early COVID days. Public-market comps are down 60% or more in some sectors, and they tend to be the leading indicator of how VCs are similarly going...
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Top unicorn investors

Top unicorn investors “Unicorn” is a term used in the venture capital industry to describe a privately held startup company with a value of over $1 billion. One of the best indicators that a company is on track to becoming a unicorn is its investment history. Soon-to-be or “baby unicorns”...
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Startups’ fundraising and secondary deals database

Startups' fundraising and secondary deals database The easiest way to discover promising companies, source deals, and leads Whether you are looking for companies to invest in, collaborate with, or offer services to, you are in the right place. Using big data and NLP technologies to find startups' fundraising and secondary...
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FIRST TO INVEST and transACT Technology Solutions

FIRST TO INVEST and transACT Technology Solutions 📢CUSTOMER SUCCESS STORY ALERT!📢 ⭐The Customer – FIRST TO INVEST First To Invest provides data systems with deep analytics that drive the decisions of global organizations, including world-leading quants, fundamental hedge funds, assets managers, private equity, and corporates. ❓The Challenge: First to Invest sought...
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Private equity and Venture capital – use cases

Private equity and Venture capital - use cases (Views and recommendations given in this section are for research purposes only. Please consult your financial adviser before taking any position in the stock/s or currencies mentioned.) Neither First to invest. nor any of its officers, employees, representatives, agents or independent contractors...
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Private equity 2021 summary

Private equity 2021 summary Private equity continues to perform well during 2021. The strength and speed of the rebound suggest resilience and continued momentum as investors increasingly look to private markets for higher potential returns in a sustained low-yield environment. Funding in 2021 has far superseded 2020. PE/VC investment will...
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FIRST TO INVEST join the AWS data exchange

FIRST TO INVEST join the AWS data exchange - Big data and NLP technologies to collect, structure, and reveal events on public, private companies, and specific topics from news articles, press releases, and financial social media. - Covering more than 10,000 public companies globally as well as customize lists of...
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Eagle Alpha’s INTERACT Data Conference

We are delighted to participate as Bronze Sponsors in Eagle Alpha's INTERACT Data Conference on May 25-26th, 2021. We are booking 1-1 meetings before, during and after the conference! Big data and NLP technologies to collect, structure, and reveal events from news articles, press releases, and financial social media and...
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First To Invest join the IOWArocks global data marketplace

First To Invest join the IOWArocks global data marketplace to deliver key corporate events data to the hedge funds, asset management and private equity community - Big data and NLP technologies to collect, structure, and reveal events on public, private companies, and specific topics from news articles, press releases, and...
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2021 NEXT LEVEL Data Conference

2021 NEXT LEVEL Data Conference We are thrilled to participate in the Eagle Alpha event from March 11th - 12th 2021. Big data and NLP technologies to collect, structure, and reveal events from news articles, press releases, and financial social media and share it with our clients via dashboards or...
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UK top private companies in the insurtech industry

Alternative data for private equity fundsHow alternative data help private equity and venture capital funds?Establishing a winning valuation requires a clear picture of the threats and opportunities of a target’s business model. To identifying growth opportunities pre deal, PE now leverages alternative data for helping answer key questions in the...
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Data Hackathon 2021

Let the games begin. We are super excited to be part of Eagle Alpha's Data Hackathon and a member of #TeamCobraKaidemics. Eagle Alpha conducting an exclusive Data Hackathon as a stand-alone event on February 24, 2021! "How is the U.S. economy really doing? Measured by a real-time macro framework employing...
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Included in Knoema new alternative data catalog

It is our pleasure to be included in Knoema new alternative data catalog.Knoema is launching its new free data catalog, Alternative Data+. This catalog is made up of hundreds of alternative data tear sheets that feature information about each data provider including tickers and sectors covered, known biases and in...
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