Alternative data: Twitter case study

Alternative data: Twitter case study Twitter shares finished Friday 20% down at market close after reporting a decline in monthly active users during the second quarter. The trouble here isn't revenue (it beat estimates) or earnings (it hit its number). Instead, it's about a decline in "monthly active users," a figure that was depressed for reasons like new privacy rules in Europe, a purging of fake/abusive accounts, and not [...]

2020-04-05T18:24:28-04:00July 29th, 2018|Categories: Case study|Tags: , |Comments Off on Alternative data: Twitter case study

Alternative data: Facebook case study

Alternative data: Facebook case studyFacebook was the most-loved holding of hedge funds before the stock's epic plunge on Thursday, resulting in a massive multibillion-dollar loss for the so-called smart money on Wall Street.According to CNBC, 848 hedge funds tracked by Goldman Sachs, 97 had Facebook as a top 10 holding, according to the firm's May "Hedge Fund Trend Monitor" report. The note, tracking $1.6 trillion in hedge fund long positions, [...]

2020-04-05T18:25:55-04:00July 27th, 2018|Categories: Case study|Tags: , |Comments Off on Alternative data: Facebook case study
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